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You deserve to work in an environment free from discrimination and hate.


My success in this field is largely due to an incredible suite of mentors who helped cultivate my scientific abilities and a strong backing of graduate-level women in STEM who made me feel part of something bigger than myself. This sense of belonging in science is what I strive to impart in my students and mentees. Research has shown that science identity and viewing oneself as a “science-type person” is linked to student retention in STEM. This self-reflection/sentiment has been particularly difficult to cultivate and maintain in diverse populations of students, researchers, and professionals due to lack of representation and direct barriers within academic institutions. As an academic, it is my goal to enable the success of students often disenfranchised by STEM fields and to advocate for the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within my department, institution and in society as a whole. 

I began doing this work because I recognized it as important through my personal experiences, but I continue to be involved in this work because I truly love doing it.



My Current Action Items (Updated 9/12/2023)

1) Completing MSU SafeZone Training

2) Completing the MSU Diversity & Inclusion Certificate Program

3) Serving on the Honors and Awards Canvassing Committee for the Entomological Society of America (initiated to seek diverse applicants)

4) Creating a lab DEI statement with new members (Fall 2024)

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